
As of September 2023, over 139 bird species have been posted by observers (190 checklists) on our E-Bird hotspot.  Every Tuesday, we will feature one of our birds on our social media pages. We love to include pictures taken at the park so please share by sending yours to (or post on our E-Bird site).

Click HERE to see the list documented on E-Bird.  Please add to the list; include pictures when you can.  Here's some commonly seen birds:

Red Wing Black Bird
Red Wing Black Bird
Vermilion Flycatcher taken by Cory Shaw
Vermilion Flycatcher taken by Cory Shaw
Harris Hawk by Peg Coleman
Harris Hawk by Peg Coleman


As of September 2023, 31 species of butterflies have been confirmed on our e-butterfly site. More species are waiting to be confirmed. On the site there are 14 check lists and 105 observations.  Click HERE for a great site for identification. We would love to have your butterfly pictures taken at Butterfly Sanctuary (the whole park).  We are also an official Monarch Waystation.

Here's some of the butterflies you might see:

Monarch by John Dicus

Queen by M Holden

Pipevine Swallowtail by John Dicus


Check out these sites for more related information:

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