Your involvement will make a difference starting today.
Volunteer work with the park is the cornerstone that joins charitable and environmental service. While we can not offer any compensation, the rewards of service go far. You'll have the personal satisfaction helping us maintain habitat for birds, butterflies and other park creatures. You'll gain a deeper understanding of the richness of environment and history of the area. Additionally, you are likely to develop a network of contacts that will enrich your life. More ....
There's more benefits. Volunteering in school or college helps students begin establishing their work experience in any certain field. It you are still employed, volunteering can be a bonus on your resume.
Donations of funds or in-kind items enable the park to operate and develop quality programs. Remember, Black Canyon Heritage Park is a subsidiary of Black Canyon City Community Association (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN: 6-0210468). More ....
Adopt a plot. Alone or with your friends, family or company can adopt a plot (various sizes available). More...