Volunteers join us at Black Canyon Heritage Park (BCHP) for our work days - generally one in April to celebrate Earth Day and another in the fall to celebrate National Public Lands Day. Desert Botanical Garden provides butterfly friendly plants for our Monarch Waystation.  Trees for Needs provides us trees as we see a need.  We have tools, water, and snacks; volunteers that come with lots of enthusiasm; some bring their own tools (no power tools) and expertise.

Typical Volunteer tasks included:

  • Planting of various types and sizes of plants
  • Removal of unwanted plant and invasive plants such as Buffelgrass, Tamerisk, and Globe Chamomile (stinknet)
  • Removal of brush litter from various parts of the park.
  • Clearing the accessible trail of bushes and branches extending into the trail area.
  • Weed whacking near the pond.

At the end of the work period, the park always looks so much better and the trails were completely cleared.

We sometimes have other work days to prepare for special events and/or when volunteers express a desire to come help for an hour or more on a specific day. See pictures below from various work days.  For the recent work days, clink on link below.

2023-9-23 National Public Lands Day - Work Day

2023-4-15 Earth Day - Work Day

2022-9-17 National Public Lands Day - Work Day 

2022-4-23 Earth Day - Work Day


About 1/2 of the September volunteers
April 2023 "crew"
April 2023 "crew"
20210417_081852 by AH (Medium)
Planting more for our butterfly gardens thanks to Desert Botanical Gardens.
Georgette & Claire planting and weeding a butterfly garden
Georgette & Claire planting and weeding a butterfly garden
Chuck with Buffelgrass bagged up
Chuck with Buffelgrass bagged up
20210417_121407 by GB (Medium)
Removing invasives.
Bob & Ann clearing trail
Bob & Ann clearing trail
20210417_120918 by GB (Medium)
Invasives plants bagged and pine needles removed from trail
Invasives plants bagged and pine needles removed from trail
20210417_121421 by AH (Medium)
Trail is clear for walkers.
Trail is clear for walkers.
Plants donated by Desert Botanical Gardens
Plants donated by Desert Botanical Gardens
Fairy Duster - area weeded
Fairy Duster - area weeded

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