“Linking You to Riparian Life"

Black Canyon Heritage Park provides you a unique and exceptional opportunity to an unique and rare Sonoran Desert riparian area. Riparian areas comprise of less than .4% of Arizona but they are so critical in filtering pollutants, reducing stream bank erosions, providing wildlife habitat, attracting recreation activities, and providing a peaceful respite.

Watch these videos showing what we offer!

Preserve     Outside   VC Inside

Donate using:

  1. PayPal (with or without PayPal account choices) or
  2. Check payable to BCHP and mailed to BCHP, Box 33, Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
  3. Give at the Visitor Center (cash, check or credit card) 33955 Old Black Canyon Highway, Black Canyon City, AZ 85324-0033

Use your PayPal account to support Black Canyon Heritage Park (BCHP)

  • Set up Black Canyon City Community Association (owns the BCHP) as your favorite charity. Under "Make an Impact" heading/tab, you can choose to donate $1 when you checkout with PayPal.

Create a Facebook fundraiser for BCHP.  To do so, click here.

Place an ad in our e-newsletter.  For details and form, click here. 

  • Want to connect your business to 500+ local people in our newsletter, 600+ local people on our Facebook page, and thousands more on our website? Not just once but 10+ times per year for the low price of just $170? Special Discount for Anthem Area or Black Canyon City Chamber of Commerce.  That is a low, low cost per impression of just one cent! Plus, you will be supporting a local organization to raise funds for a great cause.

Items for Purchase

Book Cover - Black Canyon UndergroundBlack Canyon Underground by Marcy J. Miller - $20
Stagecoach robberies, kidnappings, escaped fugitives, and murder: Black Canyon City has hosted them all. From its gold-laced earth to its healing mud, Black Canyon Underground holds scores of stories about tough, authentic Arizonans. Marcy Miller unburies them and brings them back to life.

Black Canyon Waters - Waterways and Water in Black Canyon City History by Marcy Miller - $10
Devoted to the water history of the Black Canyon City area - primarily, the impact of the Agua Fria Watershed on early settlers and later residents, as well as people and events linked to the area waterways and water use.

Nature Guide - $7.95.  This guide will help visitors identity the spectacular riparian and upland plants and wildlife that have been seen at the Black Canyon Heritage Park (BCHP) in Black Canyon City along the Agua Fria River.



Prehistoric Cultures of the Perry Mesa Region: Proceedings of the Perry Mesa Symposium. Fifteen papers concerning the prehistoric cultures of the Perry Mesa area in north central Arizona. by Michael J. Hoogendyk (Author, Editor), Will G. Russell (Editor), etc.

Agent H2O  by Rita Goldner - $17.95.
Agent H2O is on a mission, chased by his evil nemesis, Scummy Pollution. Will Agent H2O reach thirsty plants and animals in time? The science is accurate and STEM based. The message is important: an eco-friendly lifestyle, reduction of pollution, and water conservation.


Quincy the Quail books by Barbara Renner - $11.00.
Each of these interesting books beautifully illustrated for children gives factual information about quails and other animals which might come across their paths.

BCHP Scavenger Hunt - Mobile Phone One Time Use Ap - $10
You and your group can enjoy the beautiful scenery and learn more in-depth about all of the exciting wonders in the Agua Fria watershed! Come play our new trivia-filled scavenger hunt on your cell phone that is based around all things at the Park. Ap developed by Escape Rooms Mesa!

Photos by Paul Santori, Sr. (Nature Photographer) - Various sizes and topics but all from Arizona; most from our area. Prices posted on photo.

===> More Items for Sale in Visitor Center 

 Your Park Relies on Funding & In-Kind Donations From:

*  Individuals

* Business / Organizations

* Shoppers at I-Give

* Grants

The Heritage Park Coalition works hard to apply for grants and reach out to community sponsors, and these efforts have paid off.

Individual donations are crucial to the operations of the Park. 100% of all funds from all sources (donations, fundraising, and grants) will be used for tax-exempt activities that support the Park's mission.  If you have a certain feature or activity that you’d like to see at the park, a donation is the quickest and easiest way to ask the management coalition to consider making that happen. A donation allows you to make a personal, unique contribution to our community.

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